Monday, September 28, 2009

Kissaluvs granted my wish

So I actually love my contour diapers ........ mostly.
They are trim.
They are easy to handle.
They are soft.
They will fit Charlotte for a long time.
They are cheap (half the cost of a fitted).

They also leak poo. Badly. I imagine once the poo isn't so runny this problem will be resolved.
I had been wishing they would carry a contour (I don't mind using the snappi) with elastic on the legs to contain the poo.

I went out to Happybottomus today (in search of essential oil which they did not carry), and happened to notice that not only do Kissaluvs now carry a one-size fitted diaper (the Marvel) but they also have a one-size hybrid contour which *fanfare* has elastic on the legs!!!!!!!!
It was $10.95 .... which after my $10 coupon for buying so much stuff at Happybottomus ... cost me $1.03 ... I can handle that.

I am SO EXCITED to wash and use this diaper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

back to cloth :)

I obtained a different CD friendly cream (California baby). The Desitin nicely cleared her rash up and then I switched to the California Baby with disposables to see how she reacted to it. No re-flare up, so after her bath today, my little Princess will go back to her cloth diapers with the California Baby cream (which smells like lavender and it smells soooo good!)
I hope the rash stays away --- I would hate to have to abandon the cloth in order to use heavy duty creams.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

back to plastic :(

Charlotte's rash continued after we started the cloth diapers, so I've been slathering her with the Method diaper cream with every change. It cleared up after a couple days, and then a few changes without cream and it came roaring back ... so bad it looked so raw I thought it was going to bleed. So... since I (unfortunately) have a big tube of Desitin on hand ... we're going back to plastic and I'm going to coat her raw little heiny in the Desitin until this rash clears up. Since I was given some disposables in my diaper cake at my shower I have several still on hand so at least I don't have to go and buy any disposables.
We'll do the disposables for a few days and see how it goes.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

today is the day!

So I decided to not start CDing until the meconium was finished ... I didn't trust the liners and didn't want to ruin the cloth diapers so I opted to just wait a few more days until it was completely gone. is the day! She has started to have a bit of diaper rash and I started using the CD-friendly Method Diaper Cream without much luck ... so I used a couple sample packs of Desitin that I had to try and clear it up quicker. I'm going to give her a bath today to wash all the remnants of the Desitin off and then we'll be officially in cloth diapers! I am very excited to start doing this!
The silly big decision I've been pondering all day is ... which diaper will she wear first?!